Its been a bit since we blogged – life has been good! Even though we had to rush Christmas more than usual we had a great time. Millie loved it and we even got her to co-operate for some great pictures under the tree:

Our Little Millie Reindeer with our beautiful tree.
and this one:

Meet Ms. Millie Reindeer - Adorable!
Amazingly enough these pictures took about 5 minutes to take because she was so cooperative. Perhaps she is so smart that she figured it out – if she lets us get the photos she doesnt have to wear the silly outfit for long! SMART MILLIE!!! Thank you sweet girl.
Millie was very good about her Christmas tree and never played with a single ornament on it nor did she tug or chew a branch. She is such a good girl.
Millie’s FarMor (Grandmother) came for Christmas and stayed two nights. Millie was in heaven! They loved each other instantly and FarMor was a great playmate! Mom and Dad liked this too as we had time to tend to all the necessities of Christmas and Christmas Dinner. These are a few pictures from around the house:
Millie had a great Christmas Dinner with Liver Pate and yoghurt. She thought it was the best!!!

Yoghurt Nose!
Millie also got a bunch of toys – and still has a few she hasnt opened yet! Although she loved the Christmas Toys that were around – This is Nellie’s favourite Christmas Toy that I think Millie has inherited as she enjoys it as much:
She also loved Dennis’ Christmas Dog:
We didnt have snow so we have made a family vow to keep the Christmas Tree up until there is snow! Millie doesnt really know what snow is! WE hope we get some very SOON!! Please do a snowdance for us!!
A couple of days ago we took Millie to the vet for her 12 week check up etc. The wee munchkin weighed in at 14.75 Kilos or aprox. 32 lbs!!!!!!! She is gaining on average a kilo a week!!! Mind you I think I gained that much over Christmas too! She got a very healthy report card from the vet and she is super pup – we already knew that! 😉
Dennis and I went to Ikea in Copenhagen one day. We took Millie for a long walk and gave her a small snack before tucking her in her little home. She did great – she didnt even go bezerk when we came home. She was happy to see us but it was no big deal that we had left her for four hours. Good GOOD Millie! While at Ikea we bought her a new toy, of course! Check out Millie the LIONberger playing with her new friend:
and after her play she helped Dad build his new Ikea bench for at the foot of our bed:

Helping Dad
Millie is such a good girl!!! A real joy to have and we love her so much!
Yesterday Millie had a BIG FIRST EXPERIENCE!!! We took her to the BEACH!!! See what she thought of it:
She was so cute! Play bowing at the waves! She also got to dig a hole to China which was FABULOUS!!!
We then stopped by the dog park for just a wee visit because she is a wee girl. She met a golden retriever mix and a lab mix. They were very polite with Millie and Millie was a good girl but when she got a bit too excited as puppies can the older dogs showed her that she had to have manners. Millie was a VERY GOOD learner! She has been with every dog we have met. We are very happy she is already pretty good with other dogs.
When a bunch of older dogs arrived at the Dog Park we decided this was too much for our wee girl and headed home. She ate a big hearty meal, had a big sloshy drink and slept for three hours straight! YAY Millie! Dennis will put up pictures from the dog park soon!
Our next post should be interesting as we are so happy that Millie has a place in Puppy Training with our first choice of trainer – Lone Nielsen. We start January 11th!
So LIFE is GOOD! We hope this finds everybody enjoying the fresh start a New Year brings… we know we are…